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The web's only 10,000 Maniacs purity test!

10,000 Maniacs Purity Test

Hello, all. Welcome to the 10,000 Maniacs Purity Test. There are 160 questions to test your corruptness/purity in regards to the great band we know as 10,000 Maniacs. If you have any questions or complaints, email Aly (the test's author) at the [dot] walking [at] gmail [dot] com. Thank you!

--------Good luck!--------

Check all answers that apply (i.e., "yes").
Click "submit" when you are through.

Let's begin, folks!

    Section 1: Basics

  1. Do you know who 10,000 Maniacs are?
  2. Do you like 10,000 Maniacs?
  3. Do you own a 10,000 Maniacs album (in any form)?
  4. Do you own Human Conflict Number Five?
  5. Secrets of The I Ching?
  6. The Wishing Chair?
  7. In My Tribe?
  8. Blind Man's Zoo?
  9. Hope Chest?
  10. Our Time In Eden?
  11. MTV Unplugged?
  12. Love Among The Ruins?
  13. The Earth Pressed Flat?
  14. Campfire Songs?
  15. Do you own any 45s or singles?
  16. Do you own multiple copies of any 10,000 Maniacs material?
  17. Can you name every member of 10,000 Maniacs (past, present, and future)?
  18. Do you still listen to 10,000 Maniacs?
  19. Regularly?
  20. Daily?
  21. Every waking moment?
  22. Have you ever dreamt about any of the members in 10,000 Maniacs?
  23. Have you ever seen 10,000 Maniacs in concert? (as a band)
  24. Have you seen any of the members in concert? (Natalie Merchant, John and Mary, etc.)

    Section 2: Bootlegs and Rarities

  25. Do you own any bootlegs (on any media - having one or two songs doesn't count) by 10,000 Maniacs?
  26. Do you own Last Days in Eden?
  27. Our Time At The Greek?
  28. The "Joy Division covers"?
  29. In My Tribe demos?
  30. Secrets of the I Ching demos?
  31. A random concert (excluding the Unpluggeds)?
  32. That's right, plural Unpluggeds. Did you know they performed twice on MTV Unplugged?
  33. The "Boston Heckler" performance?
  34. Isn't the Boston Heckler performance the greatest?
  35. And how about that banshee scream?
  36. From Natalie With Love?
  37. How You've Grown?
  38. Any interviews?
  39. The Peel Sessions?
  40. Any radio shows?
  41. Have you heard the song "Poppies"?
  42. Do you know why "Poppies" is significant?
  43. How about "Rum and Coca-Cola"?
  44. The WCVF demos?
  45. Again, Human Conflict Number Five?
  46. Multiple versions? (e.g., Christian Burial + UK)
  47. Again, Secrets of the I Ching?
  48. Multiple versions? (e.g., Christian Burial + Chinese Chicken + Press + Garzon, etc.)
  49. The illegal Albert Garzon bootleg (you naughty thing you)?
  50. Evening in Torpor (on any media - I hate you --- just kidding)?
  51. An actual LP copy of Evening in Torpor (I really hate you --- not anymore, I have my own copy)?
  52. A *SIGNED* copy of Evening in Torpor (where do you live)?
  53. A signed copy of any Maniacs album/bootleg/rarity?
  54. Do you have a massive bootleg archive devoted to 10,000 Maniacs and their various projects?
  55. You wouldn't happen to be Adam from Smallest Step, would you?
  56. Or perhaps Wouter Pronk?
  57. You've at least heard of the above two, right?
  58. Do you own more bootlegs/rarities than the ones covered here?
  59. Have you heard of all of these and more, but you just can't get your hands on them?

    Section 3: Members and Side Projects

  60. Are you familiar with Natalie Merchant (if not, please go away now)?
  61. Do you own any solo Natalie Merchant albums?
  62. Tigerlily?
  63. Ophelia?
  64. Live in Concert?
  65. Motherland?
  66. The House Carpenter's Daughter?
  67. Retrospective?
  68. The "deluxe edition" of Retrospective (isn't the cloth binding so cool)?
  69. Are you a wonder of God's own creation?
  70. Do you know that it will break your heart, the way things are?
  71. Have you been kind and generous lately?
  72. How about Robert Buck? You know who he is?
  73. Does Chuck N Buck ring a bell (hi, Michael Dean)?
  74. What about Hitchhiker?
  75. Gotta buck (RIP, Rob)?
  76. Okay, here's a good one. John Lombardo?
  77. And how about Mary Ramsey?
  78. Do you like John & Mary (as a group, not as individuals)?
  79. Do you like John and Mary (as individuals)?
  80. Don't they work well together?
  81. Victory Gardens is something else, isn't it?
  82. 10,000 Maniacs were better when both John and Natalie were in the band, right?
  83. Would YOU have stayed to see The Cure?
  84. Do you get the reference in the above question?
  85. How about Mary? You like her voice (she plays her string instruments damn well, too)?
  86. Are you one of the infamous Stalkers (I know you're taking this, Adam)?
  87. Can you name at least one other side project of John Lombardo?
  88. Okay, you can tell me what Steve Gustafson plays, right?
  89. And Dennis Drew?
  90. You know what side project those two were in together, right?
  91. How about Jerry Augustyniak (whew, that's a mouthful)?
  92. The Mighty Wallop, anyone?
  93. But the question on everyone's mind is... doesn't Jerry look like such a little kid in the liner notes for Hope Chest?
  94. Seriously, though. Do you know who Oskar Saville is?
  95. Do you know the name of her old band?
  96. That's right, Oskar's a chick. Check this one if you knew that prior to the above question.
  97. How about Jim Foti? Does that name ring a bell?
  98. Check here if you think I've missed anyone important.
  99. Okay, back to John and Mary. Do you own any John and Mary albums?
  100. Victory Gardens?
  101. The Weedkiller's Daughter?
  102. The Pinwheel Galaxy?
  103. Any live stuff or bootlegs?
  104. Seem 'em live?
  105. Met 'em?
  106. Stalked 'em?
  107. Remember Natalie? Have any bootlegs of her?
  108. Seen her in concert?
  109. Met her?
  110. Stalked her?
  111. Own bootlegs/seen live/met/stalked/etc. any of the other members of 10,000 Maniacs and/or their side projects?

    Section 5: The Great Debate(s)

    This section will cover the most commonly debated topics in the Maniacs realm.

  112. Let's just cut to the chase. Check this box if you like Natalie solo better.
  113. Check this box if you like her with the Maniacs better.
  114. Check this box if you like both equally and/or don't give a shit.
  115. Check this box if you like John (Maniacs-wise) better.
  116. Check this box if you like Rob better.
  117. Check this box if you like both equally and/or don't give a shit.
  118. Check this box if you checked John but feel guilty because Rob died.
  119. Uh-oh. Check this box if you like the Natalie era (1981-1993) better.
  120. Check this box if you like the Mary era (1994-2002) better.
  121. Sorry, you're not allowed to be neutral/apathetic/sympathetic. You lose. Check this box if that's what you were going to do.
  122. Doesn't anyone care about Oskar? Check this box if you like her, too.

    Section 6: Memorabilia

  123. Do you own any 10,000 Maniacs memorabilia (other than records)?
  124. Videos (Time Capsule, Unplugged)?
  125. Ticket stubs?
  126. Backstage passes?
  127. One of those nifty cloth backstage passes (those are awesome!)?
  128. T-shirts (lucky!)?
  129. Natalie doodles (über-lucky!)?
  130. Autographs?
  131. Posters?
  132. Promotional items (i.e., letters, ads, photos, records, etc.)?
  133. Fan club letter(s)?
  134. Newspaper/magazine clippings?
  135. Concert fliers?
  136. Something else I've neglected to mention?

    Section 7: Personal Lives

  137. Can you provide the birthdate and birthplace of at least one Maniacs member, past or present?
  138. More than one?
  139. More than two?
  140. All of them?
  141. Do you know where the band was founded?
  142. Can you name at least one member's spouse/former spouse?
  143. Multiple members' spouses?
  144. All of the members' spouses?
  145. What about children? Can you name at least one of the members' child/ren?
  146. All of them (stalker freak)?
  147. Do you know which famed singer was a former lover of Natalie Merchant's?
  148. Does that surprise you in any way?
  149. Do you know the artist who openly expressed a disliking towards Natalie Merchant after the group covered one of said artist's songs?
  150. How does the individual in question #150 supposedly (i.e., through rumors) relate to the person mentioned in #148?
  151. Sordid, is it not?
  152. Check here if you actually know what sordid means.
  153. Are you a former lover of someone in or involved with 10,000 Maniacs?
  154. Are you related to anyone (by blood) in 10,000 Maniacs?
  155. Are or were you a member of 10,000 Maniacs at any time (if so, hi!!!)?

    Section 8 The End

  156. Did I miss anything (if so, let me know)?
  157. Did you enjoy my test?
  158. Are you going to research the things you didn't know about?
  159. Do you feel inspired to dig out some of your 10,000 Maniacs albums now?
  160. You've been a sport. Here's a free point.

Good going!

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